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노드 모듈을 svelte 구성 요소로 가져오려면 어떻게 해야 합니까


노드 모듈을 svelte 구성 요소로 가져오려면 어떻게 해야 합니까

나는 처음이고 나의 의존성에 모멘텀슬라이더라고 불리는 설치된 노드 모듈을 사용하려고 한다. 내 svelt 구성 요소의 스크립트 태그에는 다음이 있습니다:

import MomentumSlider from "../../node_modules/momentum-slider";
let slider = new MomentumSlider({
   el: ".ms-container",

내 컴포넌트의 html 마크업에서 나는 다음의 튜토리얼에 나와 있는 것처럼 마크업을 제안한다

However, I am getting a typeError in the browser console:

enter image description here

I am new to development in general and I am not sure if this is a problem with momentum-slider or an error on my part. Any insights would be much appreciated.

If you have installed the package properly: npm install momentum-slider the package is listed in your package.json.

When this fits, you just have to import: import MomentumSlider from "momentum-slider";

Not sure how to use this library but you should take care of 2 things. First import your package like the following:

import MomentumSlider from "momentum-slider";

Second you need to initialise the MomentumSlider class when the component is mounted using onMount:

import { onMount } from "svelte";
import MomentumSlider from "momentum-slider";

let slider;

onMount(() => {
  slider = new MomentumSlider({ 
    el: ".ms-container"

Edit exciting-bouman-dyywc

For future reference, some packages use the require method in their documentation for usage in your work. Svelte doesn't really like require so a good alternative is

Instead of: var Validator = require('jsonschema').Validator;

Do this: import { Validator } from "jsonschema";
